Donation & Membership


You. Me. Us. Together we make it happen!

The Direct Donation Drive is Forest Hill PTA’s primary fundraiser. Every penny goes directly to enriching our children’s education! 

Fundraising drive starts October 4, 2023.


Corporate Matching can double your donation

Have you checked if your company supports your donation with corporate matching?

  • Apple Employees :

    • To donate $$, go to Under “Find a Cause”, search for “Forest Hill Elementary PTA”. Select “Forest Hill Elementary PTA” in search results. Then click “+Donate Now” button & proceed with donation

    • To donate volunteer hours as $$, go to Select “Volunteer”, select “Track Volunteer Time”, under “Enter the cause name” section search for “Forest Hill Elementary PTA”, select “+Add” to the search result, proceed with rest of the form filling

  • Netflix Employees :

  • Meta/google/Cisco/others